Today, a presentation of the cluster of winemakers was held in Adjara and a symbolic act of cooperation was signed.
The winemakers of Adjara cooperate for the development and opportunities of the industry in the region. At the presentation, the cluster development strategy and action plan were presented, which were developed with the active involvement of the cluster members, the cooperation strategy, priority directions and at the end of the event were discussed once again The official foundation of the cluster was formalized by signing the “Act of Cluster Development and Cooperation”.
Ministry of Agriculture, AR of Adjara. Department of Tourism and Resorts, Adjara Guides Association, Export Import Association, Adjara Employment Agency, Adjara A.R. Chamber of Commerce, College Blacks, marketing company, business consulting company, nursery and other interested parties. At the end of the event, in order to promote local products, the participants had the opportunity to taste the wines made by the members of the association. With the support of each other, innovations in this field are planned. Winemakers already have ideas for the development of wine tourism with the involvement of different sectors, for the exploitation of the European market.
Project “Skills for employment and Cooperation – Tailoring Opportunities for Regions of Georgia (SECTORs)” is funded by European Union and implemented by The Institute for Change and Innovation in partnership with Georgian Farmers’ Association, Institute of Democracy, and Association “Atinati”