“Skills for Employment and Cooperation – Tailoring Opportunities for Regions of Georgia (SECTORs)” is this is a name of European Union funded project implemented by Guira Youth Recourse Center in partnership with Georgian farmers Association, Institute of Democracy and the Association “Atinati”. The duration of the project is three years and Guria, Adjara autonomous Republic and Samegrelo are the target regions of the activities.
The project aims to improve employability and employment of disadvantaged community members through promoting sectoral partnership, entrepreneurial learning and innovative approaches to contribute economic development of the project target regions.
Initiative offer additional opportunity to youth, women and vulnerable family, for improving entrepreneur skills and start their own business, which support will happen within planned grants programs in the project .
In the course of the next three years, the project will focus on four main directions: to implement demand-driven learning, skills development and capacity building programs for project target disadvantaged groups, local businesses and training providers; to create employment opportunities for target group members in local economic sector by strengthening existing businesses and supporting the establishing new enterprises; to standardize skills and best practices by strengthening business clusters created within the project and introduce innovative approaches.