Implementation period: December 20, 2015 – October 20, 2016
Donor: The project is implemented in the framework of Small Grants Scheme (SGS), under the UNDP Project “Fostering Regional and Local Development in Georgia (RLD)”, funded by Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus (SCO) and Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).
Geographical coverage: Ozurgeti Municipality – Likhauri, Tkhinvali, Melekeduri, Bakhvi and Konchkati territorial units (villages)
Partner: Ozurgeti Municipality Assembly
Project goal: Support citizens’s active engagement in the local government decision making process using innovative and widely available technologies.
Acitivities implemented:
- Civic engagement centers were established in 5 territorial units of the municipality, equipped with smart TVs, micro-phones and web-cameras for local community members to observe live broadcasts of the Ozurgeti Municipality Assembly.
- The Ozurgeti Municipality Assembly conference facility was equipped with a TV set, enabling five village centers to be directly involved in the Ozurgeti Municipality Assembly meetings. The first “Internet-bridge” was established both between the target villages, as well as between the Assembly and the villages.
- Twenty members from the Ozurgeti Municipality Assembly gained knowledge in online instruments for public opinion research.
- Ozurgeti Municipality Assembly introduced an online instrument for public opinion research; an online survey form was developed and placed on the official page of the Assembly,